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Work Design
Effective Remote Workforce
As the potential scope of the COVID-19 outbreak has become more clear in the United States and Canada, public and private organizations from all industries, sectors and geographies are encouraging their teams to work remotely to reduce the spread of the virus.
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In honor of Earth Day, Vickie Nicola of Stantec shares why workspace designers have a responsibility to fill spaces with products made of healthier materials.
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Design founded on empathy and safety can help inform a healthier working environment for building occupants post COVID-19.
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Ware Malcomb’s Cynthia Milota offers strategic and tactical planning guidelines for our ultimate return to the office.
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Here are some helpful tips and reminders from a registered nurse to help keep you and your office healthy this flu season.
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Working at home is rapidly becoming more than a volunteer program. The current driver today is the anticipated, accelerated need for large populations of knowledge workers to ‘self-quarantine’ and not congregate in the same place at the same time to conduct work activities. Right now, it is fueled by the spread of the COVID-19 virus,...
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